Open your mind to new skills

Open your mind to new skills

     It's 2020 and it's been a disaster across the world. It's the year where the world in our generation falls apart from left to right since the beginning of January. Do you even remember one of the first and biggest incident? Well from what I read in the beginning, it was the Australian Bush Fire. However, I'm not here to talk about the world crisis we're having, I'm here to give you reasons why you should be learning a new skill during your stay at home job, unemployment, or your boredom.

    As history repeats its self when the world is at one of its lowest moments, a selection of entrepreneurs came out of the hell hole and into the new world. They seized the opportunity to live a better mindset because at that point you feel like you have nothing to lose. Financially stable or not, I really believe that you need to find a drive, you need to find something that grinds your gears into working for what you love to do. Dreams don't have to stay dreams forever, it's up to you to make it realistic or not. 

Why you should open yourself to a new skill

    In this new world we live in, everything is almost free, unfortunately, our school system in North America is outdated and old when it comes to free education. It's not keeping up with the new entrepreneurship who found a new way to build themselves into wealth, into freedom, into a passion. When I talk about free, I'm talking about your friends. Learning from your friends, family, or even someone you look up to is at liberty. It's been by your side since day one. It's free to reach out and get them to chat and have lunch together to talk about what they do. If you are interested, ask them how they got there, ask them how you can be at his/her table. It's about the effort you want to position yourself. Everyone has the opportunity to leverage each other and maybe, you can share something back because knowledge is unconfined. 

    Skills are transferable. Skills can start from the ground up. Skills can be developed better. I remember being 20 years old and I only had low skills in customer service from being at a luxury retail store and one day, I landed an interview for a banking job. I was filling up my resume and my confidence went down because I told myself, "I have no skills, I stand around saying hello and looking pretty." Fortunately, I got hired on spot, and what my manager told me is that my skills are transferable. It blew my mind because he was right. I doubted myself for nothing and realized I can enhance that one skill to make it better, to be coached by someone who has more experience, explain ways differently, and make it into my own version of what that skill looks like.

    On a psychological note, learning a new skill stimulates your brain. The chemistry in your brain changes to a positive perspective and steers away from all the negativity which opens the mind about others' opinions, how it can possibly open your mind and your view from the complex human brain. I'm not a psychology major, but I'm sure there are other articles that can go into more depth about what happens inside the brain. The best part about learning a new skill is that it simply makes you happier. It makes you happier to have knowledge.

Who doesn't look for happiness within themselves?

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