the hole

As my day was filled with agony and my mind wandering off, he told me the way I think and the way I do things is very different and unimaginable because it’s not logical and realistic, but somehow it works into reality. He laid out a scenario today describing how different I was. 

“Michelle, imagine myself being stuck in a hole and I had to figure out how I would get out of this. My brain would automatically think that I need to find some tools to help me climb out of here. I need to get a rope to help me climb above and reach the top. I would need to use any equipment to help me. However, there’s you on the other hand. If you were in the same scenario like me, you would just think to fly. And for some reason, we go through the same things and make it out the same way.”

That was exactly what I was thinking and it made me laugh because I am different. When I put my mind into something, I make it happen. I know there’s going to be mistakes along the way and lessons to learn, but who doesn’t like a challenge? 


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